DUPON is a clown and a police trainer.

His mission: Protect, serve, and teach you a lesson.

He will share with you the secrets of the best french police techniques through an intense and crazy entertainment, where themes like violence and power abuse are treated in a subtle and unexpected way.

Benjamin Policisto is an actor and a nurse from Marseille in the south of France. After several years of practice in amateur companies, he studied dramatic art at the conservatoire régional de Marseille before completing the professional course of the École Jacques Lecoq in Paris. He co-funded tb Teater, a company that has created two clown shows and one musical folk tale.

Benjamin Policisto.

Spilles på engelsk.

Dørene åpner 1 time før showstart.

Spilles 26. september 2024 i Teaterkjeller’n


Grupperabatt: Gis ved kjøp av minimum 10 billetter. Vi sender deg billettene kostnadsfritt hvis dette avtales ved bestilling.

Rabatt for pensjonister, trygdede og vernepliktige.

Ca. 50% rabatt for barn t.o.m. 16 år/ studenter/ skoleelever i videregående skole. Gjelder oppsetninger på Hovedscenen og Centralteatret (NB! gjelder ikke gjestespill).

OBOS-rabatt (gjelder ikke oppsetninger i Trikkestallen).

Opplys om rabatt-type ved billettbestilling.